Monday, February 22, 2010

Tea Craze Continues

Okay, what else can I do with the components of the tea bag? I'm trying to consider all parts, the paper of course, which continues to be a rich source of design possibilities, the tags of all sizes, colors and materials, the humble strings which attach the bag to the tag, and the tea leaves inside. Much to ponder!

I've gathered quite a collection of tea tags now that I've sorted into colors and will probably plan to do some kind of collage with. Here are a couple of the tag collections:

I'm also experimenting with stitching with the tea strings. Many have been dyed various shades of brown during the tea bag drying process and I'm finding them quite interesting when sewn onto tea-stained cloth.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone reading this has any ideas. I think I have the energy to keep pursuing this for quite a while! Also if anyone wants to dry and save used tea bags for me, I'd love to collect more varies!!!!

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