Saturday, April 14, 2012

My First Upscale Gallery!

I'm excited!  Studio 47 in Woodstock, Vermont,  has just hung eight of my black clayboard engravings in their main gallery space.  I love this gallery and think it is one of the nicest in New England.  I am honored that they like my work enough to represent me.  The engravings look very elegant in the heavy silver frames and linen backing.  If you have a chance to go see them, please do!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Star Flower - scratchboard

This black clayboard engraving (scratchboard) is 8x10 inches and depicts two fantasy flowers I am calling star flowers, wound with a striped ribbon.  This is about a 26-30 hour project done by hand in my Night Studio.  This engraving will be available for sale through Studio 47 Gallery in Woodstock, Vermont.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The North Calls

Today was the first really cool day here, a harbinger of days to come and another indicator that it's almost time to head back north for spring. Sydney has been wonderful and has fed my visual reservoirs for some time to come.

I continue to work on three pieces, two of which I'll assemble when I get back to Vermont, as they won't travel well except in pieces. Here is one which I have just pinned together on my work board....I'll have to figure out how it will go together once in the studio:

I'm also figuring out how to box and roll up pieces to carry with me. It's always a challenge to manage to get work back to Vermont, but so far I've had good luck with it arriving in decent shape.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Too cold, too windy....

A beautiful sunny April day but too cold and windy to be out painting....  The unusual weather last month had us ready and raring to go, but we're back to more typical temperatures for a Vermont April.  
Below is a just finished painting I started in South Woodstock last summer.  It is good to have all last season's plain aire work completed now.

"Summer field, South Woodstock"
12" x 16" - oil

Today, I spent some time out raking flower beds and there are definite signs of life--lilies and daffodils and primroses poking up green shoots.  The sun is warm and the sky is blue--a lovely early spring day.